Hello there. Thank you for your interest in supporting our ministry and helping us spread the entire truth of God to the world. This is as close to a collection plate as you will ever see on our internet ministry, no fund raisers or any of the number of ploys that many may use to get your money. We are of the opinion that the workman is worthy of his hire and that a true teacher of Gods word does not have to beg for money to spread the word. As we make study helps and merchandise available, we will do so to all who ask regardless of the size or lack of donation. feel free to save any study or material you may like from this site, share it with your brothers and sisters who may not have access to the web and freely re-distribute all that we have to offer. All we ask is that you re-distribute the material in its entirety, unchanged from that which appears on this site. Once again, Thank you and may God bless you to overflowing, Amen.