Ezekiel 13

Good evening to you, welcome to tonight's study in Eze. chapter 13.  We have in our world today many different teachings and doctrines, denominations.  It is important to note that denomination means "division" and there should be no division among Gods children.  It is also important to note that any doctrine not of Jesus Christ is not of God.  Remember to test all spirits that they be of God.  With that said, we would ask for wisdom, knowledge and understanding from the father in the name of Jesus Christ, let us begin.


Eze 13:1  And the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 unto413 me, saying,559

Eze 13:2  Son1121 of man,120 prophesy5012 against413 the prophets5030 of Israel3478 that prophesy,5012 and say559 thou unto them that prophesy5030 out of their own hearts,4480, 3820 Hear8085 ye the word1697 of the LORD;3068



These are those who prophesy from their own hearts or "intellect" as the Hebrew has it.  Just so we all understand to whom the prophet is speaking.


Eze 13:3  Thus3541 saith559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Woe1945 unto5921 the foolish5036 prophets,5030 that834 follow1980, 310 their own spirit,7307 and have seen7200 nothing!1115


without a doubt, God is saying that these individuals have seen nothing of the sort that they are claiming.  It is not from God.  Now, lets look at this word for  "foolish".





From H5034; stupid; wicked (especially impious): - fool (-ish, -ish man, -ish woman), vile person.


These are stupid, wicked people.  The Father is not happy with them.


Eze 13:4  O Israel,3478 thy prophets5030 are1961 like the foxes7776 in the deserts.2723


Now we need to look at a couple of words here.  This word for "foxes" is:



ùرٍى    ùرهجٍى

shu^‛a^l  shu^‛a^l

shoo-awl', shoo-awl'

From the same as H8168; a jackal (as a burrower): - fox.

and the word for "deserts":





Feminine of H2721; properly drought, that is, (by implication) a desolation: - decayed place, desolate (place, -tion), destruction, (laid) waste (place).


So, the prophets are like a jackal in a decayed place of destruction.  Kinda sheds a bit more light on things??

These are False prophets.


Eze 13:5  Ye have not3808 gone up5927 into the gaps,6556 neither made up1443 the hedge1447 for5921 the house1004 of Israel3478 to stand5975 in the battle4421 in the day3117 of the LORD.3068


Are YOU going to protect my people??  I think not.


Eze 13:6  They have seen2372 vanity7723 and lying3577 divination,7081 saying,559 The LORD3068 saith:5002 and the LORD3068 hath not3808 sent7971 them: and they have made others to hope3176 that they would confirm6965 the word.1697


This word is not the word of God, lets stick to the subject.  This is the word of these false prophets.


Eze 13:7  Have ye not3808 seen2372 a vain7723 vision,4236 and have ye not spoken559 a lying3577 divination,4738 whereas ye say,559 The LORD3068 saith5002 it; albeit I589 have not3808 spoken?1696


The word here used for "vain" is:


ùره    ùرهào

sha^v'  shav

shawv, shav

From the same as H7722 in the sense of desolating; evil (as destructive), literally (ruin) or morally (especially guile); figuratively idolatry (as false, subjectively), uselessness (as deceptive, objectively; also adverbially in vain): - false (-ly), lie, lying, vain, vanity.


They have seen an evil vision.  Of course it is evil, God just said at the opening of this chapter that this is from their own hearts, not from God.


Now, just a little F.Y.I., the word "albeit" is:





Contracted from H595; I: - I, (as for) me, mine, myself, we, X which, X who.

So, God says, "As for me, I have not spoken it."  He is not pleased.


Eze 13:8  Therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Because3282 ye have spoken1696 vanity,7723 and seen2372 lies,3577 therefore,3651 behold,2009 I am against413 you, saith5002 the Lord136 GOD.3069

Eze 13:9  And mine hand3027 shall be1961 upon413 the prophets5030 that see2372 vanity,7723 and that divine7080 lies:3577 they shall not3808 be1961 in the assembly5475 of my people,5971 neither3808 shall they be written3789 in the writing3791 of the house1004 of Israel,3478 neither3808 shall they enter935 into413 the land127 of Israel;3478 and ye shall know3045 that3588 I589 am the Lord136 GOD.3069

God is against them in EVERY manner.  He will stop them from ever entering into the land of Israel, or even being mentioned in the records of the people of Israel.


Eze 13:10  Because,3282 even because3282 they have seduced2937 (853) my people,5971 saying,559 Peace;7965 and there was no369 peace;7965 and one1931 built up1129 a wall,2434 and, lo,2009 others daubed2902 it with untempered8602 mortar:

Now, this word for "seduced" is not exactly what the English would imply. 





A primitive root; to wander; causatively to lead astray: - seduce.


While "seduce" is one of the meanings here,  lead astray is a better translation in this context.

One built up a wall.  The process of these doctrines is progressive.  One will start to twist the word, then another will add to that and so on.  And so it continues to this day with many of the same false teachings.  This is why we must ALL study the word of God for our self.


Eze 13:11  Say559 unto413 them which daub2902 it with untempered8602 mortar, that it shall fall:5307 there shall be1961 an overflowing7857 shower;1653 and ye,859 O great hailstones,68, 417 shall fall;5307 and a stormy5591 wind7307 shall rend1234 it.


And as with any doctrine not of God, it will one day fall just as this wall daubed with un tempered mortar. (slime from the Hebrew).  and God will rend those teachings just as he rends this wall.


Eze 13:12  Lo,2009 when the wall7023 is fallen,5307 shall it not3808 be said559 unto413 you, Where346 is the daubing2915 wherewith834 ye have daubed2902 it?

Those who built the wall will be accountable for the structure when exposed.  Just as teachers of false doctrines are to be held accountable for those teachings on the day of judgment and they are exposed before the Father.


Eze 13:13  Therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 I will even rend1234 it with a stormy5591 wind7307 in my fury;2534 and there shall be1961 an overflowing7857 shower1653 in mine anger,639 and great hailstones68, 417 in my fury2534 to consume3617 it.

Eze 13:14  So will I break down2040 (853) the wall7023 that834 ye have daubed2902 with untempered8602 mortar, and bring it down5060 to413 the ground,776 so that the foundation3247 thereof shall be discovered,1540 and it shall fall,5307 and ye shall be consumed3615 in the midst8432 thereof: and ye shall know3045 that3588 I589 am the LORD.3068


The Lord himself will expose these people and their teachings and cause them to fall, showing all that He is GOD.  Isn't it wonderful how all things can work to the glory of our Father??


Eze 13:15  Thus will I accomplish3615 (853) my wrath2534 upon the wall,7023 and upon them that have daubed2902 it with untempered8602 mortar, and will say559 unto you, The wall7023 is no369 more, neither369 they that daubed2902 it;


Not only does God destroy the wall (false teachings) but also those who built it (daubed).


Eze 13:16  To wit, the prophets5030 of Israel3478 which prophesy5012 concerning413 Jerusalem,3389 and which see2372 visions2377 of peace7965 for her, and there is no369 peace,7965 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD.3069


very simple.  Those prophesying peace for Jerusalem at that time at least were speaking without the knowledge of God because God said "there is no peace".  Period.


Eze 13:17  Likewise, thou859 son1121 of man,120 set7760 thy face6440 against413 the daughters1323 of thy people,5971 which prophesy5012 out of4480 their own heart;3820 and prophesy5012 thou against5921 them,


Not only the men but also the daughters of the people.  I will point out that in the end times (our generation) that God is to pour out his spirit on ALL flesh.  Sons and daughters alike.  We must watch that none deceive us, saying God has said this or that.  If it cannot be shown in the word of God God did not say it.


Eze 13:18  And say,559 Thus3541 saith559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Woe1945 to the women that sew8609 pillows3704 to5921 all3605 armholes,679, 3027 and make6213 kerchiefs4555 upon5921 the head7218 of every3605 stature6967 to hunt6679 souls!5315 Will ye hunt6679 the souls5315 of my people,5971 and will ye save the souls alive2421, 5315 that come unto you?


First we will look at this word for "pillows":





From H3680; a cushion or pillow (as covering a seat or bed): - pillow.

And this word used for "kerchiefs":





From H5596; a veil (as spread out): - kerchief.


both of which cover.  Just remember that while we are in this highly symbolic book.  and finally God asks them if they will save the souls alive that come to them.  Of course they can not. Only God saves souls by way of the son.  No man cometh to the father but by the son.  Any doctrine with any other way to heaven is a false doctrine.


Eze 13:19  And will ye pollute2490 me among413 my people5971 for handfuls8168 of barley8184 and for pieces6595 of bread,3899 to slay4191 the souls5315 that834 should not3808 die,4191 and to save the souls alive2421, 5315 that834 should not3808 live,2421 by your lying3576 to my people5971 that hear8085 your lies?3577


Right quick, lets check the Hebrew word for "pollute".  Not quite as we know it in the English.





A primitive root (compare H2470); properly to bore, that is, (by implication) to wound, to dissolve; figuratively to profane (a person, place or thing), to break (one’s word), to begin (as if by an opening-wedge); denominatively (from H2485) to play (the flute): - begin (X men began), defile, X break, defile, X eat (as common things), X first, X gather the grape thereof, X take inheritance, pipe, player on instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute, slay (slain), sorrow, stain, wound.


This is to say, remove, in a nutshell.  Will we dissolve, or remove God from our people for material things??  In other words, will we forsake the doctrines of God for false doctrines for the sake of the collection plate??  This is what they were doing.  And remember the end of this last verse, I did say they were lying, God said it.  I believe God.


Eze 13:20  Wherefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Behold,2009 I am against413 your pillows,3704 wherewith834 ye859 there8033 hunt6679 (853) the souls5315 to make them fly,6524 and I will tear7167 them from4480, 5921 your arms,2220 and will let the souls go,7971, (853), 5315 even (853) the souls5315 that834 ye859 hunt6679 to make them fly.6524


Does this sound familiar to any one??  And you thought this was a new thing??  God was against this teaching in the day of the prophet and he is still against them today.  Many of these false doctrines have been around since the serpent first beguiled Eve and are still with us today.  This is why I always tell all who visit us to study the word of the Father.  Do not trust any man with your soul.


Eze 13:21  (853) Your kerchiefs4555 also will I tear,7167 and deliver5337 (853) my people5971 out of your hand,4480, 3027 and they shall be1961 no3808 more5750 in your hand3027 to be hunted;4686 and ye shall know3045 that3588 I589 am the LORD.3068

Eze 13:22  Because3282 with lies8267 ye have made the heart3820 of the righteous6662 sad,3512 whom I589 have not3808 made sad;3510 and strengthened2388 the hands3027 of the wicked,7563 that he should not1115 return7725 from his wicked way,4480, 1870, 7451 by promising him life:2421


God will destroy all that these people have made and affirms once again that they have used LIES to discourage those who would follow God and strengthen the wicked.  These false prophets have even promised the wicked life.  Only God gives life.  This word for life, we need to look at that for one minute.






A prim root (compare H2331, H2424); to live, whether literally or figuratively; causatively to revive: - keep (leave, make) alive, X certainly, give (promise) life, (let, suffer to) live, nourish up, preserve (alive), quicken, recover, repair, restore (to life), revive, (X God) save (alive, life, lives), X surely, be whole.


You will notice that while to live is among the meanings of this word, give (promise) is also among the meanings.  Remember the promise given Abram by God??  These false prophets early on in this chapter were told that they would not enter into the land of Israel.  They would not enter into the promised land and they could no more give that promise than they can give life.  Which one is it as far as the meanings??  is it both??  Which ever one it is, it is still Gods to give and not these so called prophets.  That is the point being made here.


Eze 13:23  Therefore3651 ye shall see2372 no3808 more5750 vanity,7723 nor3808 divine7080 divinations:7081 for I will deliver5337 (853) my people5971 out of your hand:4480, 3027 and ye shall know3045 that3588 I589 am the LORD.3068

You will no longer have anybody to prophecy to good or evil because I will take them away from you God is saying.  And that ends tonight's study, May God bless you all and guide your way.  And remember always, study to show thyself approved.  Good night and God bless.