Good evening, welcome to tonight's study in Genesis chapter 17. Asking wisdom, knowledge and understanding from the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, Let us begin.
Gen 17:1
And when Abram87 was1961 ninety8673 years8141 old1121 and nine,8672 the LORD3068 appeared7200 to413 Abram,87 and said559 unto413 him, I589 am the Almighty7706 God;410 walk1980 before6440 me, and be1961 thou perfect.8549
Now, before we make something complicated from this, this word "perfect", we know no flesh man is perfect. So, lets look at the Hebrew word used here:
From H8552; entire (literally, figuratively or morally); also (as noun) integrity, truth: - without blemish, complete, full, perfect, sincerely (-ity), sound, without spot, undefiled, upright (-ly), whole.
Add this up and we see one Mature in the word of God. Complete, full. Not that hard to see.
Gen 17:2
And I will make5414 my covenant1285 between996 me and thee, and will multiply7235 thee exceedingly.3966, 3966Gen 17:3
And Abram87 fell5307 on5921 his face:6440 and God430 talked1696 with854 him, saying,559Gen 17:4
As for me,589 behold,2009 my covenant1285 is with854 thee, and thou shalt be1961 a father1 of many1995 nations.1471
Again, the Father affirming the promise to Abram, and again, Abram worshiping the Lord in all that he does. Try it some time, and see what God will do for us when we really show Him that we Love him and reverence him.
Gen 17:5
Neither3808 shall (853) thy name8034 any more5750 be called7121 Abram,87 but thy name8034 shall be1961 Abraham;85 for3588 a father1 of many1995 nations1471 have I made5414 thee.
And here we have the name change, from "exaulted father" or "high father" to "father of many nations" or "father of a multitude". God alwayse being true to his word.
Gen 17:6
And I will make thee exceeding3966, 3966 fruitful,6509 and I will make5414 nations1471 of thee, and kings4428 shall come out3318 of4480 thee.
And of course we know the tribe of Juda(the king line) came from Abraham, and Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords was born to Mary of the seed of Abraham.
Gen 17:7
And I will establish6965 (853) my covenant1285 between996 me and thee and thy seed2233 after310 thee in their generations1755 for an everlasting5769 covenant,1285 to be1961 a God430 unto thee, and to thy seed2233 after310 thee.Mark this, "EVERLASTING". That is forever, even to this day. We today, may claim this covenant and have the Lord God for our God, as well as all the blessings God promised Abraham. Think about it, ALL seed of Abraham is included in this covenant, even to present day.
Gen 17:8
And I will give5414 unto thee, and to thy seed2233 after310 thee, (853) the land776 wherein thou art a stranger,4033 (853) all3605 the land776 of Canaan,3667 for an everlasting5769 possession;272 and I will be1961 their God.430Gen 17:9
And God430 said559 unto413 Abraham,85 Thou859 shalt keep8104 (853) my covenant1285 therefore, thou,859 and thy seed2233 after310 thee in their generations.1755Again, forever.
Gen 17:10
This2063 is my covenant,1285 which834 ye shall keep,8104 between996 me and you and thy seed2233 after310 thee; Every3605 man child2145 among you shall be circumcised.4135Gen 17:11
And ye shall circumcise4135 (853) the flesh1320 of your foreskin;6190 and it shall be1961 a token226 of the covenant1285 between996 me and you.Today we still hold to the circumcision, but not for a blood covenant, but for Hygienical reasons. Jesus Christ fulfilled the blood ordinances on the cross, so lets not get it confused.
Gen 17:12
And he that is eight8083 days3117 old1121 shall be circumcised4135 among you, every3605 man child2145 in your generations,1755 he that is born3211 in the house,1004 or bought4736 with money3701 of any4480, 3605 stranger,1121, 5236 which834 is not3808 of thy seed.4480, 2233Gen 17:13
He that is born3211 in thy house,1004 and he that is bought4736 with thy money,3701 must needs be circumcised:4135, 4135 and my covenant1285 shall be1961 in your flesh1320 for an everlasting5769 covenant.1285Gen 17:14
And the uncircumcised6189 man child2145 whose834 (853) flesh1320 of his foreskin6190 is not3808 circumcised,4135 that1931 soul5315 shall be cut off3772 from his people;4480, 5971 he hath broken6565 (853) my covenant.1285So we see that the punishment for breaking this covenant is extremely severe but like I said, just remember that Jesus Christ is now our covenant.
Gen 17:15
And God430 said559 unto413 Abraham,85 As for Sarai8297 thy wife,802 thou shalt not3808 call7121 (853) her name8034 Sarai,8297 but3588 Sarah8283 shall her name8034 be.Gen 17:16
And I will bless1288 her, and give5414 thee a son1121 also1571 of4480 her: yea, I will bless1288 her, and she shall be1961 a mother of nations;1471 kings4428 of people5971 shall be1961 of4480 her.Now we have the promise of a son by Sarah, and that this son will also be a Great nation. So both son's of Abraham will go on to spawn Great nations.
Gen 17:17
Then Abraham85 fell5307 upon5921 his face,6440 and laughed,6711 and said559 in his heart,3820 Shall a child be born3205 unto him that is a hundred3967 years8141 old?1121 and shall Sarah,8283 that is ninety8673 years8141 old,1323 bear?3205Now we begin to see a bit of doubt from Abraham, and I might add, it is not a good thing to laugh at the word of the Lord. He just dont know if he can still begat a son at his age, I guess he forgot his forefathers having sons and daughters well beyond his own years.
Gen 17:18
And Abraham85 said559 unto413 God,430 O that3863 Ishmael3458 might live2421 before6440 thee!Come on God, I have a son here, Make your covenant with him.
Gen 17:19
And God430 said,559 Sarah8283 thy wife802 shall bear3205 thee a son1121 indeed;61 and thou shalt call7121 (853) his name8034 Isaac:3327 and I will establish6965 (853) my covenant1285 with854 him for an everlasting5769 covenant,1285 and with his seed2233 after310 him.Now here is an idea, keep a list of the people that God personaly names throughout our written word. We have two right here, two more who God changed the names. Pay attention to all that God names, He does nothing without reason.
Gen 17:20
And as for Ishmael,3458 I have heard8085 thee: Behold,2009 I have blessed1288 him, and will make him fruitful,6509, (853) and will multiply7235 him exceedingly;3966, 3966 twelve8147, 6240 princes5387 shall he beget,3205 and I will make5414 him a great1419 nation.1471Twelve nations from Ishmael(meaning God will hear) and we know that Jacob, the seed of Isaac will begat twelve sons as well. That is twenty four tribes from two of the seed of Abraham. I would say that that would say "many nations"
Gen 17:21
But my covenant1285 will I establish6965 with854 Isaac,3327 which834 Sarah8283 shall bear3205 unto thee at this2088 set time4150 in the next312 year.8141By this time next year, you will have another son Abraham.
Gen 17:22
And he left off3615 talking1696 with854 him, and God430 went up5927 from4480, 5921 Abraham.85Gen 17:23
And Abraham85 took3947 (853) Ishmael3458 his son,1121 and all3605 that were born3211 in his house,1004 and all3605 that were bought4736 with his money,3701 every3605 male2145 among the men376 of Abraham's85 house;1004 and circumcised4135 (853) the flesh1320 of their foreskin6190 in the selfsame6106, 2088 day,3117 as834 God430 had said1696 unto854 him.Gen 17:24
And Abraham85 was ninety8673 years8141 old1121 and nine,8672 when he was circumcised4135 in the flesh1320 of his foreskin.6190Gen 17:25
And Ishmael3458 his son1121 was thirteen7969, 6240 years8141 old,1121 when he was circumcised4135 (853) in the flesh1320 of his foreskin.6190Gen 17:26
In the selfsame6106, 2088 day3117 was Abraham85 circumcised,4135 and Ishmael3458 his son.1121Gen 17:27
And all3605 the men376 of his house,1004 born3211 in the house,1004 and bought4736 with money3701 of4480, 854 the stranger,1121, 5236 were circumcised4135 with854 him.Now that is devotion to God. It would have been very painful for men and young men of this age to be circumcised. However, soon we will find an even more extreme example of this practice of circumcision. And that will end tonight's study, We hope you have enjoyed yourself. Good night and may God bless one and all.