Welcome to our first study with the Word of God fellowship. We will be going through Gen. from front to back and beyond. So, asking for wisdom and guidance from out father, lets go to it.
Gen 1:1
In the beginning7225 God430 created1254 (853) the heaven8064 and the earth.776 (Fairly simple; Right??)Gen 1:2
And the earth776 was1961(haw-yaw:became) without form,8414 and void;922 and darkness2822(kho-shek':from 2821; the dark literally. Fig. misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, obscurity.) was (added)
5921 the face6440 of the deep.8415(teh-home':usually fem., from 1949, an abyss, as a surging mass of water main sea or sub. water supply. This friends and neighbors is where things get complicated.H1949
A primitive root (compare H2000); to make an uproar, or agitate greatly: - destroy, move, make a noise, put, ring again.
Did God create the earth in such a state? Hardly. But we need proof. we find this in
Isa 45:18 For3588 thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 that created1254 the heavens;8064 God430 himself1931 that formed3335 the earth776 and made6213 it; he1931 hath established3559 it, he created1254 it not3808 in vain,8414(vain is the same as to'hoo back in gen:1;2, so we see that God did not create the earth in the chaotic state, but it became without form and void.) he formed3335 it to be inhabited:3427 I589 am the LORD;3068 and there is none369 else.5750 (back to Gen.)_
7307 of God430 moved7363 upon5921 the face6440 of the waters.4325And the Spirit
(What was the earth like at this time? the prophet Jeramiah gives a little insight into this.)
Jer 4:22 For3588 my people5971 is foolish,191(ev-eel:to be perverse.) they have not3808 known3045 me; they1992 are sottish5530 children,1121 and they1992 have none3808 understanding:995 they1992 are wise2450 to do evil,7489 but to do good3190 they have no3808 knowledge.3045
Jer 4:23
I beheld7200 (853) the earth,776 and, lo,2009 it was without form,8414 and void;922 and the heavens,8064 and they had no369 light.216 (even the light was gone)Jer 4:24
I beheld7200 the mountains,2022 and, lo,2009 they trembled,7493 and all3605 the hills1389 moved lightly.7043Jer 4:25
I beheld,7200 and, lo,2009 there was no369 man,120(not even noah in a boat.) and all3605 the birds5775 of the heavens8064 were fled.5074Jer 4:26
I beheld,7200 and, lo,2009 the fruitful place3759 was a wilderness,4057 and all3605 the cities5892 thereof were broken down5422 at the presence4480, 6440 of the LORD,3068 and by4480, 6440 his fierce2740 anger.639Jer 4:27
For3588 thus3541 hath the LORD3068 said,559 The whole3605 land776 shall be1961 desolate;8077 yet will I not3808 make6213 a full end.3617(God has shown the prophet what has happened in the past, told him why, and read on: lets him know that he will do it again if we don't watch ourselves.)
Next we would ask "is this spoke of in the new testament?" Yes it is.
2Pe 2:1
But1161 there were1096 false prophets5578 also2532 among1722 the3588 people,2992 even2532 as5613 there shall be2071 false teachers5572 among1722 you,5213 who3748 privily shall bring in3919 damnable684 heresies,139 even2532 denying720 the3588 Lord1203 that bought59 them,846 and bring upon1863 themselves1438 swift5031 destruction.6842Pe 2:2
And2532 many4183 shall follow1811 their846 pernicious ways;684 by reason of1223 whom3739 the3588 way3598 of truth225 shall be evil spoken of.9872Pe 2:3
And2532 through1722 covetousness4124 shall they with feigned4112 words3056 make merchandise1710 of you:5209 whose3739 judgment2917 now of a long time1597 lingereth691 not,3756 and2532 their846 damnation684 slumbereth3573 not.37562Pe 2:4
For1063 if1487 God2316 spared5339 not3756 the angels32 that sinned,264 but235 cast them down to hell,5020 and delivered3860 them into chains4577 of darkness,2217 to be reserved5083 unto1519 judgment;2920This word hell is interesting in that it is only used ONE time from this particular Greek word.
Τάρταρος Tartaros¯ (the deepest abyss of Hades); to incarcerate in eternal torment: - cast down to hell. Just a little homework for the more inquisitive mind.2Pe 2:5
And2532 spared5339 not3756 the old744 world,2889 but235 saved5442 Noah3575 the eighth3590 person, a preacher2783 of righteousness,1343 bringing in1863 the flood2627 upon the world2889 of the ungodly;765This is where our subject becomes evident. Sort of. This is describing the flood of Noah. We came here first to show the separation. Our flood comes in the next chapter.
2Pe 3:1
This5026 second1208 epistle,1992 beloved,27 I now2235 write1125 unto you;5213 in1722 both which3739 I stir up1326 your5216 pure1506 minds1271 by way of1722 remembrance:52802Pe 3:2
That ye may be mindful3415 of the3588 words4487 which were spoken before4280 by5259 the3588 holy40 prophets,4396 and2532 of the3588 commandment1785 of us2257 the3588 apostles652 of the3588 Lord2962 and2532 Savior:49902Pe 3:3
Knowing1097 this5124 first,4412 that3754 there shall come2064 in1909 the last2078 days2250 scoffers,1703 walking4198 after2596 their848 own2398 lusts,19392Pe 3:4
And2532 saying,3004 Where4226 is2076 the3588 promise1860 of his846 coming?3952 for1063 since575, 3739 the3588 fathers3962 fell asleep,2837 all things3956 continue1265 as3779 they were from575 the beginning746 of the creation.29372Pe 3:5
For1063 this5124 they846 willingly2309 are ignorant of,2990 that3754 by the3588 word3056 of God2316 the heavens3772 were2258 of old,1597 and2532 the earth1093 standing4921 out of1537 the water5204 and2532 in1223 the water:5204Remember God separating the waters from the waters? then allowing dry land to appear?? And take this word "old" here in v. 5.
From G1537 and G3819; long ago, for a long while: - of a long time, of old.
The heavens were of old. The earth was also created with the heavens. Both are therefore of old. This is why I often say that there are no contradictions between science and bible, we only have to read the letter that God has written to us. Science states that this earth is millions of years old and our scripture declares that it is as well.
2Pe 3:6
Whereby1223, 3739 the3588 world2889 that then5119 was, being overflowed2626 with water,5204 perished.622
Now for those of you thinking the flood of Noah, you need to check the Greek on this word perished. G622
From G575 and the base of G3639; to destroy fully (reflexively to perish, or lose), literally or figuratively: - destroy, die, lose, mar, perish. this was complete and utter distruction, no room for a man and a boat. Just like the description in jer. ch..4.
(don't get confused, this is only to say that God is not bound by the same time as we are.2Pe 3:7
But1161 the3588 heavens3772 and2532 the3588 earth,1093 which are now,3568 by the3588 same846 word3056 are1526 kept in store,2343 reserved5083 unto fire4442 against1519 the day2250 of judgment2920 and2532 perdition684 of ungodly765 men.4442Pe 3:8
But,1161 beloved,27 be not ignorant2990, 3361 of this5124 one thing,1520 that3754 one3391 day2250 is with3844 the Lord2962 as5613 a thousand5507 years,2094 and2532 a thousand5507 years2094 as5613 one3391 day.2250
2Pe 3:9
The3588 Lord2962 is not slack1019, 3756 concerning his promise,1860 as5613 some men5100 count2233 slackness;1022 but235 is longsuffering3114 to1519 us-ward,2248 not3361 willing1014 that any5100 should perish,622 but235 that all3956 should come5562 to1519 repentance.3341There is our word perish again, it is the same Greek word. Remember the warning to jer.?? God does not want to reprimand us again, but he will unless we come to Repentance. Have a change of heart. we will get back into 2pet another time, for now lets pickup back in gen.
Gen 1:3 And God430 said,559 Let there be1961 light:216 and there was1961 light.216
Gen 1:4
And God430 saw7200 (853) the light,216 that3588 it was good:2896 and God430 divided914, 996 the light216 from996 the darkness.2822Gen 1:5
And God430 called7121 the light216 Day,3117 and the darkness2822 he called7121 Night.3915 And the evening6153 and the morning1242 were1961 the first259 day.3117Oops, we have Light on the scene and the sun and moon are not to be in the sky until v.14-16. So WHERE was the light coming from??
Joh 1:1 In1722 the beginning746 was2258 the3588 Word,3056 and2532 the3588 Word3056 was2258 with4314 God,2316 and2532 the3588 Word3056 was2258 God.2316
Joh 1:2
The same3778 was2258 in1722 the beginning746 with4314 God.2316Joh 1:3
All things3956 were made1096 by1223 him;846 and2532 without5565 him846 was not3761 any thing1520 made1096 that3739 was made.1096Joh 1:4
In1722 him846 was2258 life;2222 and2532 the3588 life2222 was2258 the3588 light5457 of men.444Joh 1:5
And2532 the3588 light5457 shineth5316 in1722 darkness;4653 and2532 the3588 darkness4653 comprehended2638 it846 not.3756Joh 1:6
There was1096 a man444 sent649 from3844 God,2316 whose846 name3686 was John.2491Joh 1:7
The same3778 came2064 for1519 a witness,3141 to2443 bear witness3140 of4012 the3588 Light,5457 that2443 all3956 men through1223 him846 might believe.4100Joh 1:8
He1565 was2258 not3756 that Light,5457 but235 was sent to2443 bear witness3140 of4012 that Light.5457Joh 1:9
That was2258 the3588 true228 Light,5457 which3739 lighteth5461 every3956 man444 that cometh2064 into1519 the3588 world.2889Joh 1:10
He was2258 in1722 the3588 world,2889 and2532 the3588 world2889 was made1096 by1223 him,846 and2532 the3588 world2889 knew1097 him846 not.3756Joh 1:11
He came2064 unto1519 his own,2398 and2532 his own2398 received3880 him846 not.3756Joh 1:12
But1161 as many as3745 received2983 him,846 to them846 gave1325 he power1849 to become1096 the sons5043 of God,2316 even to them that believe4100 on1519 his846 name:3686Joh 1:13
Which3739 were born,1080 not3756 of1537 blood,129 nor3761 of1537 the will2307 of the flesh,4561 nor3761 of1537 the will2307 of man,435 but235 of1537 God.2316Joh 1:14
And2532 the3588 Word3056 was made1096 flesh,4561 and2532 dwelt4637 among1722 us,2254 (and2532 we beheld2300 his846 glory,1391 the glory1391 as5613 of the only begotten3439 of3844 the Father,)3962 full4134 of grace5485 and2532 truth.225Simple. The light was Jesus Christ, with the father from the beginning. Just a little more food for thought. Now,
Gen 1:6 And God430 said,559 Let there be1961 a firmament7549 in the midst8432 of the waters,4325 and let1961 it divide914, 996 the waters4325 from the waters.4325
Just as in 2nd pet., the earth Emerging from the waters.
Gen 1:7
And God430 made6213 (853) the firmament,7549 and divided914, 996 the waters4325 which834 were under4480, 8478 the firmament7549 from996 the waters4325 which834 were above4480, 5921 the firmament:7549 and it was1961 so.3651More food for thought here, this is describing water above and below the firmament. Consider, if there were a layer of thick mist or even water surrounding our planet, filtering the uv rays, this would help with the long life of the old testament. Just food for thought.
Gen 1:8
And God430 called7121 the firmament7549 Heaven.8064 And the evening6153 and the morning1242 were1961 the second8145 day.3117Gen 1:9
And God430 said,559 Let the waters4325 under4480, 8478 the heaven8064 be gathered together6960 unto413 one259 place,4725 and let the dry3004 land appear:7200 and it was1961 so.3651Gen 1:10
And God430 called7121 the dry3004 land Earth;776 and the gathering together4723 of the waters4325 called7121 he Seas:3220 and God430 saw7200 that3588 it was good.2896Gen 1:11
And God430 said,559 Let the earth776 bring forth1876 grass,1877 the herb6212 yielding2232 seed,2233 and the fruit6529 tree6086 yielding6213 fruit6529 after his kind,4327 whose834 seed2233 is in itself, upon5921 the earth:776 and it was1961 so.3651Gen 1:12
And the earth776 brought forth3318 grass,1877 and herb6212 yielding2232 seed2233 after his kind,4327 and the tree6086 yielding6213 fruit,6529 whose834 seed2233 was in itself, after his kind:4327 and God430 saw7200 that3588 it was good.2896Gen 1:13
And the evening6153 and the morning1242 were1961 the third7992 day.3117Gen 1:14
And God430 said,559 Let there be1961 lights3974 in the firmament7549 of the heaven8064 to divide914, 996 the day3117 from996 the night;3915 and let them be1961 for signs,226 and for seasons,4150 and for days,3117 and years:8141Gen 1:15
And let them be1961 for lights3974 in the firmament7549 of the heaven8064 to give light215 upon5921 the earth:776 and it was1961 so.3651Gen 1:16
And God430 made6213 (853) two8147 great1419 lights;3974 (853) the greater1419 light3974 to rule4475 the day,3117 and the lesser6996 light3974 to rule4475 the night:3915 he made the stars3556 also.Here we have a bit of symbology with a literal creation. These two great lights to rule the day and night. Lets go for a moment to Job ch. 38.
Job 38:1 Then the LORD3068 answered6030 (853) Job347 out of4480 the whirlwind,5591 and said,559Job 38:2
Who4310 is this2088 that darkeneth2821 counsel6098 by words4405 without1097 knowledge?1847Job 38:3
Gird up247 now4994 thy loins2504 like a man;1397 for I will demand7592 of thee, and answer3045 thou me.Job 38:4
Where375 wast1961 thou when I laid the foundations3245 of the earth?776 declare,5046 if518 thou hast understanding.3045, 998Job 38:5
Who4310 hath laid7760 the measures4461 thereof, if3588 thou knowest?3045 or176 who4310 hath stretched5186 the line6957 upon5921 it?Job 38:6
Whereupon5921, 4100 are the foundations134 thereof fastened?2883 or176 who4310 laid3384 the corner6438 stone68 thereof;Job 38:7
When the morning1242 stars3556 sang7442 together,3162 and all3605 the sons1121 of God430 shouted for joy?7321The morning stars are Christ and Satan. Back in Gen we see that they are separated light from darkness, greater and lesser lights. As for the rest of this passage, Job has been listening to some rather ignorant friends for 37 chapters and God has come to let him know that he (job)_ and his friends are not so smart after all. But in Jobs defense I will say that he NEVER doubted God. One more reference to show our point on the two lights and then we will go back to Gen.
Isa 14:12
How349 art thou fallen5307 from heaven,4480, 8064 O Lucifer,1966 son1121 of the morning!7837 how art thou cut down1438 to the ground,776 which didst weaken2522, 5921 the nations.The English is fairly simple here, but we will check the work Lucifer in the Hebrew just for good measure. and it is:
From H1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning star: - lucifer.
Here is positive confirmation on one of the Morning stars. And yes, they did sing together at one time, before Satan rebelled against God.
Isa 14:13
For thou859 hast said559 in thine heart,3824 I will ascend5927 into heaven,8064 I will exalt7311 my throne3678 above4480, 4605 the stars3556 of God:410 I will sit3427 also upon the mount2022 of the congregation,4150 in the sides3411 of the north:6828Isa 14:14
I will ascend5927 above5921 the heights1116 of the clouds;5645 I will be like1819 the most High.5945Isa 14:15
Yet389 thou shalt be brought down3381 to413 hell,7585 to413 the sides3411 of the pit.953Isa 14:16
They that see7200 thee shall narrowly look7688 upon413 thee, and consider995 thee, saying, Is this2088 the man376 that made the earth776 to tremble,7264 that did shake7493 kingdoms;4467Isa 14:17
That made7760 the world8398 as a wilderness,4057 and destroyed2040 the cities5892 thereof; that opened6605 not3808 the house1004 of his prisoners?615Isa 14:18
All3605 the kings4428 of the nations,1471 even all3605 of them, lie7901 in glory,3519 every one376 in his own house.1004Isa 14:19
But thou859 art cast7993 out of thy grave4480, 6913 like an abominable8581 branch,5342 and as the raiment3830 of those that are slain,2026 thrust through2944 with a sword,2719 that go down3381 to413 the stones68 of the pit;953 as a carcass6297 trodden under feet.947Isa 14:20
Thou shalt not3808 be joined3161 with854 them in burial,6900 because3588 thou hast destroyed7843 thy land,776 and slain2026 thy people:5971 the seed2233 of evildoers7489 shall never3808, 5769 be renowned.7121
Remember, Christ is the Branch, but in v.19 above we find that Satan is also a branch. This scripture also Gives a prophecy as to what will happen to Satan by the time God is finished.
Now back to our study.
In Gen 1:16 we see even more symbology in a literal creation. "the stars also"
Probably from the same as H3522 (in the sense of rolling) or H3554 (in the sense of blazing); a star (as round or as shining); figuratively a prince: - star ([-gazer]).
The sons of God (angels, princes)_ have often been referred to as stars. Ref.
Rev 12:4 And2532 his848 tail3769 drew4951 the3588 third part5154 of the3588 stars792 of heaven,3772 and2532 did cast906 them846 to1519 the3588 earth:1093 and2532 the3588 dragon1404 stood2476 before1799 the3588 woman1135 which was ready3195 to be delivered,5088 for to2443 devour2719 her848 child5043 as soon as3752 it was born.5088
The stars here are the angels of 2nd pet. who followed Satan in his rebellion. The woman is Israel in a sense, better spoken as the seed of the woman from Gen ch.3., which we will get too at a latter time, and the child is Christ. Now back to Gen.
Gen 1:17
And God430 set5414 them in the firmament7549 of the heaven8064 to give light215 upon5921 the earth,776Gen 1:18
And to rule4910 over the day3117 and over the night,3915 and to divide914, 996 the light216 from996 the darkness:2822 and God430 saw7200 that3588 it was good.2896Gen 1:19
And the evening6153 and the morning1242 were1961 the fourth7243 day.3117
You will notice that at the end of each day we have the statement "evening and morning were..". from this we can see that these things were most likely taking place in a twenty-four hour time span for each day. I have heard it said many times that this is a 6000 year time span in which God created the earth after which he created man and therefore the earth in its completeness is only 6000 years old, hence the dispute between bible and science. God does not have to take 6000 years to create anything, it is just as it says, evening and morning for each day. Not withstanding that we can draw on the words from 2nd pet. for symbology purposes.
Gen 1:20
And God430 said,559 Let the waters4325 bring forth abundantly8317 the moving creature8318 that hath life,5315, 2416 and fowl5775 that may fly5774 above5921 the earth776 in5921 the open6440 firmament7549 of heaven.8064The Hebrew word for life here is:
From H5314; properly a breathing creature, that is, animal or (abstractly) vitality; used very widely in a literal, accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental): - any, appetite, beast, body, breath, creature, X dead (-ly), desire, X [dis-] contented, X fish, ghost, + greedy, he, heart (-y), (hath, X jeopardy of) life (X in jeopardy), lust, man, me, mind, mortality, one, own, person, pleasure, (her-, him-, my-, thy-) self, them (your) -selves, + slay, soul, + tablet, they, thing, (X she) will, X would have it.
It is used 753 times in the old testament, and the larger percentage of the time it is used to refer to a human soul. A little more home work for the deeper student of Gods word.
Gen 1:21
And God430 created1254 (853) great1419 whales,8577 and every3605 living2416 creature5315 that moveth,7430 which834 the waters4325 brought forth abundantly,8317 after their kind,4327 and every3605 winged3671 fowl5775 after his kind:4327 and God430 saw7200 that3588 it was good.2896Gen 1:22
And God430 blessed1288 them, saying,559 Be fruitful,6509 and multiply,7235 and fill4390 (853) the waters4325 in the seas,3220 and let fowl5775 multiply7235 in the earth.776Gen 1:23
And the evening6153 and the morning1242 were1961 the fifth2549 day.3117
Now begins the sixth day, and it is important to note that as of yet we have all manner of life, but no Adam yet. Keep a record of the order that everything is created in. When we get into chapter 2 of this book we will compare these notes to the order of creation in that chapter. Now, onward with chapter 1.
Gen 1:24
And God430 said,559 Let the earth776 bring forth3318 the living2416 creature5315 after his kind,4327 cattle,929 and creeping thing,7431 and beast2416 of the earth776 after his kind:4327 and it was1961 so.3651Gen 1:25
And God430 made6213 (853) the beast2416 of the earth776 after his kind,4327 and cattle929 after their kind,4327 and every thing3605 that creepeth7431 upon the earth127 after his kind:4327 and God430 saw7200 that3588 it was good.2896
Now to this point all of Gods creation, God has saw that "it was good". This will change shortly.
Gen 1:26
And God430 said,559 Let us make6213 man120 in our image,6754 after our likeness:1823 and let them have dominion7287 over the fish1710 of the sea,3220 and over the fowl5775 of the air,8064 and over the cattle,929 and over all3605 the earth,776 and over every3605 creeping thing7431 that creepeth7430 upon5921 the earth.776
Gen 1:27
So God430 created1254 (853) man120 in his own image,6754 in the image6754 of God430 created1254 he him; male2145 and female5347 created1254 he them. Now we have mankind, male and female at the same time. Question.Who was God talking to when he said let us make man..?? Christ and the angels of course. The Hebrew words used for "image" and "likeness" are listed below, very interesting. first is image.
From an unused root meaning to shade; a phantom, that is, (figuratively) illusion, resemblance; hence a representative figure, especially an idol: - image, vain shew.
Next is likeness:
From H1819; resemblance; concretely model, shape; adverbially like: - fashion, like (-ness, as), manner, similitude.
What does this all add up to?? Mankind was made to look EXACTLY like the angels. I will go one step further and say we were made to look just like WE looked at that time. If we go to heb:7, the subject starts in v.1 but our reference is found in v.7. Paul is teaching on melchizedec and Abraham paying tithes to him (Gen 14.)_.
now we read:
Heb 7:10
For1063 he was2258 yet2089 in1722 the3588 loins3751 of his father,3962 when3753 Melchizedek3198 met4876 him.846Abraham met Melchizedek before he was even born of woman (abraham)_. Where were we before birth then??
Ecc 12:7
Then shall the dust6083 return7725 to5921 the earth776 as it was:7945, 1961 and the spirit7307 shall return7725 unto413 God430 who834 gave5414 it. The subject here was the departing of the soul and death of the flesh body. The spirit Returns to God.One more then back to Gen.
Job 40:15
Behold2009 now4994 behemoth,930 which834 I made6213 with5973 thee; he eateth398 grass2682 as an ox.1241If you read the entire description here you will have a very nice picture of a dinosaur. And this creature was created "with" or at the same time as Job. There is much more to this particular subject, but we will save that for another time when we shall do a study of the book of Job. Now back to man and woman.
Gen 1:28
And God430 blessed1288 them, and God430 said559 unto them, Be fruitful,6509 and multiply,7235 and replenish4390 (853) the earth,776 and subdue3533 it: and have dominion7287 over the fish1710 of the sea,3220 and over the fowl5775 of the air,8064 and over every3605 living thing2416 that moveth7430 upon5921 the earth.776Gen 1:29
And God430 said,559 Behold,2009 I have given5414 you (853) every3605 herb6212 bearing2232 seed,2233 which834 is upon5921 the face6440 of all3605 the earth,776 and every3605 tree,6086 in the which834 is the fruit6529 of a tree6086 yielding2232 seed;2233 to you it shall be1961 for meat.402Every seed, herb and fruit of a tree for meat (food)_. I believe that means we can even eat apples
Gen 1:30
And to every3605 beast2416 of the earth,776 and to every3605 fowl5775 of the air,8064 and to every thing3605 that creepeth7430 upon5921 the earth,776 wherein834 there is life,5315, 2416 I have given (853) every3605 green3418 herb6212 for meat:402 and it was1961 so.3651Even the beasts were given vegetable matter for food.
Gen 1:31
And God430 saw7200 (853) every thing3605 that834 he had made,6213 and, behold,2009 it was very3966 good.2896 And the evening6153 and the morning1242 were1961 the sixth8345 day.3117Now with the creation of man we see that God deemed it VERY good.
Meaning what?? the word for man in this text was:
From H119; ruddy, that is, a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.): - X another, + hypocrite, + common sort, X low, man (mean, of low degree), person.
This is Mankind as a whole as we can see from the fact that woman was created at the same time. And if it is mankind as a whole would that not include ALL peoples and races?? The whole point to the statement is simply that with every race of people to look at God had no problems, it was all VERY GOOD. If God has no problem with a particular race or color why do so many people choose to hate Gods creation which He deemed so very good?? Think on that if nothing else my friends. Until next time , Thank you for joining us and remember, trust no man with your soul. Do not take what I have said or the words of anybody else until you have verified those words within the word of God. We at the Word of God fellowship Love you all and look forward to having you for future studies as we continue our quest for the full truth and knowledge of our Fathers word.
God Bless you all and remember always,
Study to show thyself approved.