Gen 29:1
Then Jacob3290 went on his journey,5375, 7272 and came1980 into the land776 of the people1121 of the east.6924Gen 29:2
And he looked,7200 and behold2009 a well875 in the field,7704 and, lo,2009 there8033 were three7969 flocks5739 of sheep6629 lying7257 by5921 it; for3588 out of4480 that1931 well875 they watered8248 the flocks:5739 and a great1419 stone68 was upon5921 the well's875 mouth.6310Gen 29:3
And thither8033 were all3605 the flocks5739 gathered:622 and they rolled1556 (853) the stone68 from4480, 5921 the well's875 mouth,6310 and watered8248 (853) the sheep,6629 and put7725 (853) the stone68 again upon5921 the well's875 mouth6310 in his place.4725Rationing the water supply only permitting the Shepard's to water the flocks at certain times of the day.
Gen 29:4
And Jacob3290 said559 unto them, My brethren,251 whence4480, 370 be ye?859 And they said,559 Of Haran4480, 2771 are we.587Gen 29:5
And he said559 unto them, Know3045 ye (853) Laban3837 the son1121 of Nahor?5152 And they said,559 We know3045 him.Gen 29:6
And he said559 unto them, Is he well?7965 And they said,559 He is well:7965 and, behold,2009 Rachel7354 his daughter1323 cometh935 with5973 the sheep.6629This will prove to be a very interesting meeting for Jacob.
Gen 29:7
And he said,559 Lo,2005 it is yet5750 high1419 day,3117 neither3808 is it time6256 that the cattle4735 should be gathered together:622 water8248 ye the sheep,6629 and go1980 and feed7462 them.Why are you waiting around, water your flock and go.
Gen 29:8
And they said,559 We cannot,3808, 3201 until5704, 834 all3605 the flocks5739 be gathered together,622 and till they roll1556 (853) the stone68 from4480, 5921 the well's875 mouth;6310 then we water8248 the sheep.6629Now Jacob just doesn't think much of this deal. Or possibly he just wanted to make an impression on Rachel.
Gen 29:9
And while he yet5750 spoke1696 with5973 them, Rachel7354 came935 with5973 her father's1 sheep:6629 for3588 she1931 kept7462 them.Not a lazy girl at all.
Gen 29:10
And it came to pass,1961 when834 Jacob3290 saw7200 (853) Rachel7354 the daughter1323 of Laban3837 his mother's517 brother,251 and the sheep6629 of Laban3837 his mother's517 brother,251 that Jacob3290 went near,5066 and rolled1556 (853) the stone68 from4480, 5921 the well's875 mouth,6310 and watered8248 (853) the flock6629 of Laban3837 his mother's517 brother.251And I guess he made that impression.
Gen 29:11
And Jacob3290 kissed5401 Rachel,7354 and lifted up5375 (853) his voice,6963 and wept.1058Gen 29:12
And Jacob3290 told5046 Rachel7354 that3588 he1931 was her father's1 brother,251 and that3588 he1931 was Rebekah's7259 son:1121 and she ran7323 and told5046 her father.1Gen 29:13
And it came to pass,1961 when Laban3837 heard8085 (853) the tidings8088 of Jacob3290 his sister's269 son,1121 that he ran7323 to meet7125 him, and embraced2263 him, and kissed5401 him, and brought935 him to413 his house.1004 And he told5608 Laban3837 (853) all3605 these428 things.1697Laban knows that this is a very rich family, and will jump at the chance to marry one of his daughters off to this one just as he did with his sister.
Gen 29:14
And Laban3837 said559 to him, Surely389 thou859 art my bone6106 and my flesh.1320 And he abode3427 with5973 him the space3117 of a month.2320Gen 29:15
And Laban3837 said559 unto Jacob,3290 Because3588 thou859 art my brother,251 shouldest thou therefore serve5647 me for naught?2600 tell5046 me, what4100 shall thy wages4909 be?I want to be fair with you, since we be kinsmen, what would be fair to you?? Just keep your eye on Laban.
Gen 29:16
And Laban3837 had two8147 daughters:1323 the name8034 of the elder1419 was Leah,3812 and the name8034 of the younger6996 was Rachel.7354We have already seen a love at first sight with this one rachel.
Gen 29:17
Leah3812 was tender7390 eyed;5869 but Rachel7354 was1961 beautiful3303, 8389 and well3303 favored.4758This is to say, Leah was "weak" eyed.
But as we can see, by comparison Rachel is the most fair to look upon.
Gen 29:18
And Jacob3290 loved157 (853) Rachel;7354 and said,559 I will serve5647 thee seven7651 years8141 for Rachel7354 thy younger6996 daughter.1323Now this is fairly simple to understand what it is that Jacob wants.
Gen 29:19
And Laban3837 said,559 It is better2896 that I give5414 her to thee, than that I should give4480, 5414 her to another312 man:376 abide3427 with5973 me.Notice the deception of Laban. He never said that he would give Rachel to Jacob, but he left the implication that he was in agreement.
Gen 29:20
And Jacob3290 served5647 seven7651 years8141 for Rachel;7354 and they seemed1961, 5869 unto him but a few259 days,3117 for the love160 he had to her.Gen 29:21
And Jacob3290 said559 unto413 Laban,3837 Give3051 me (853) my wife,802 for3588 my days3117 are fulfilled,4390 that I may go in935 unto413 her.And this was the extent of the wedding ritual of the time. No licenses, or filing fees, just the giving of the bride from her father to the groom.
Gen 29:22
And Laban3837 gathered together622 (853) all3605 the men376 of the place,4725 and made6213 a feast.4960Big celebration, lots of wine.
Gen 29:23
And it came to pass1961 in the evening,6153 that he took3947 (853) Leah3812 his daughter,1323 and brought935 her to413 him; and he went in935 unto413 her.See, we knew not to trust him. He has gave the wrong daughter to wife. Can you imagine working seven years for something then not getting what you bargianed for??
Gen 29:24
And Laban3837 gave5414 unto his daughter1323 Leah3812 (853) Zilpah2153 his maid8198 for a handmaid.8198Gen 29:25
And it came to pass,1961 that in the morning,1242 behold,2009 it1931 was Leah:3812 and he said559 to413 Laban,3837 What4100 is this2063 thou hast done6213 unto me? did not3808 I serve5647 with5973 thee for Rachel?7354 wherefore4100 then hast thou beguiled7411 me?You put one over on me uncle. Jacob is not happy, but what can he do??
Gen 29:26
And Laban3837 said,559 It must not3808 be so3651 done6213 in our country,4725 to give5414 the younger6810 before6440 the firstborn.1067Gen 29:27
Fulfill4390 her2063 week,7620 and we will give5414 thee (853) this2063 also1571 for the service5656 which834 thou shalt serve5647 with5973 me yet5750 seven7651 other312 years.8141
Just get the hony moon over with and we will get you the wife you wanted in the first place, but it will cost ya seven more years. What does Jacob do?? He must really love Rachel.
Gen 29:28
And Jacob3290 did6213 so,3651 and fulfilled4390 her2063 week:7620 and he gave5414 him (853) Rachel7354 his daughter1323 to wife802 also.
At least he got payment up front this time.
Gen 29:29
And Laban3837 gave5414 to Rachel7354 his daughter1323 (853) Bilhah1090 his handmaid8198 to be her maid.8198Gen 29:30
And he went in935 also1571 unto413 Rachel,7354 and he loved157 also1571 (853) Rachel7354 more than Leah,4480, 3812 and served5647 with5973 him yet5750 seven7651 other312 years.8141
So far Jacob has fourteen years into Rachel. Now that is devotion.
Gen 29:31
And when the LORD3068 saw7200 that3588 Leah3812 was hated,8130 he opened6605 (853) her womb:7358 but Rachel7354 was barren.6135God teaching Jacob a little lesson here.
Gen 29:32
And Leah3812 conceived,2029 and bore3205 a son,1121 and she called7121 his name8034 Reuben:7205 for3588 she said,559 Surely3588 the LORD3068 hath looked7200 upon my affliction;6040 now6258 therefore3588 my husband376 will love157 me.
I give him a son, now I wil be the favorite wife.
Gen 29:33
And she conceived2029 again,5750 and bore3205 a son;1121 and said,559 Because3588 the LORD3068 hath heard8085 that3588 I595 was hated,8130 he hath therefore given5414 me (853) this2088 son also:1571 and she called7121 his name8034 Simeon.8095Gen 29:34
And she conceived2029 again,5750 and bore3205 a son;1121 and said,559 Now6258 this time6471 will my husband376 be joined3867 unto413 me, because3588 I have born3205 him three7969 sons:1121 therefore5921, 3651 was his name8034 called7121 Levi.3878
And of course this will be the beginning of the levitical priesthood.
Gen 29:35
And she conceived2029 again,5750 and bore3205 a son:1121 and she said,559 Now6471 will I praise3034 (853) the LORD:3068 therefore5921, 3651 she called7121 his name8034 Judah;3063 and left5975 bearing.4480, 3205
And Judah being the father of the king line. And it also ends our study for this evening. May God bless you all in all your ways and remember:
Study to show thyself approved.