Welcome back to our study group, as we continue with Gen 3:1. We have just finished chapter 2 of this book, and the word of God just gets more intrieging as it unfolds. And so, asking for Wisdome, Guidance and knowledge from the father, Gen. 3:1.
Gen 3:1
Now the serpent5175 was1961 more subtle6175 than any4480, 3605 beast2416 of the field7704 which834 the LORD3068 God430 had made.6213 And he said559 unto413 the woman,802 Yea,637, 3588 hath God430 said,559 Ye shall not3808 eat398 of every4480, 3605 tree6086 of the garden?1588Now I have herd many teachings on this "serpent". We are going to look into ONLY what we can show in the word of God. The word used here from the hebrew is:
From H5172; a snake (from its hiss): - serpent.
As it is taken from 5172 we must also look at this one.:
A primitive root; properly to hiss, that is, whisper a (magic) spell; generally to prognosticate: - X certainly, divine, enchanter, (use) X enchantment, learn by experience, X indeed, diligently observe.
We see that this creature was called "serpent"because of the actions and mannerisms we find in the discriptions right here in the word of God. Dont make anything confussing from this, he was the most cunning and crafty creature God ever created. And he is here using the words of God to confuse the woman.
Gen 3:2
And the woman802 said559 unto413 the serpent,5175 We may eat398 of the fruit4480, 6529 of the trees6086 of the garden:1588Gen 3:3
But of the fruit4480, 6529 of the tree6086 which834 is in the midst8432 of the garden,1588 God430 hath said,559 Ye shall not3808 eat398 of4480 it, neither3808 shall ye touch5060 it, lest6435 ye die.4191Now this word for "tree" here is just that, a tree. It can be a few things, but basicly, just look.
From H6095; a tree (from its firmness); hence wood (plural sticks): - + carpenter, gallows, helve, + pine, plank, staff, stalk, stick, stock, timber, tree, wood.
Gen 3:4
And the serpent5175 said559 unto413 the woman,802 Ye shall not3808 surely die:4191, 4191Gen 3:5
For3588 God430 doth know3045 that3588 in the day3117 ye eat398 thereof,4480 then your eyes5869 shall be opened,6491 and ye shall be1961 as gods,430 knowing3045 good2896 and evil.7451The serpent is now using the word of God to confuse the woman. Know the word people, do not be confused by evil ones.
Gen 3:6
And when the woman802 saw7200 that3588 the tree6086 was good2896 for food,3978 and that3588 it1931 was pleasant8378 to the eyes,5869 and a tree6086 to be desired2530 to make one wise,7919 she took3947 of the fruit4480, 6529 thereof, and did eat,398 and gave5414 also1571 unto her husband376 with5973 her; and he did eat.398Gen 3:7
And the eyes5869 of them both8147 were opened,6491 and they knew3045 that3588 they1992 were naked;5903 and they sewed8609 fig8384 leaves5929 together, and made6213 themselves aprons.2290So, they have eaten an apple and now they can see better??
Gen 3:8
And they heard8085 (853) the voice6963 of the LORD3068 God430 walking1980 in the garden1588 in the cool7307 of the day:3117 and Adam121 and his wife802 hid themselves2244 from the presence4480, 6440 of the LORD3068 God430 amongst8432 the trees6086 of the garden.1588they now know shame.
Gen 3:9
And the LORD3068 God430 called7121 unto413 Adam,121 and said559 unto him, Where335 art thou?Gen 3:10
And he said,559 I heard8085 (853) thy voice6963 in the garden,1588 and I was afraid,3372 because3588 I595 was naked;5903 and I hid myself.2244Gen 3:11
And he said,559 Who4310 told5046 thee that3588 thou859 wast naked?5903 Hast thou eaten398 of4480 the tree,6086 whereof834, 4480 I commanded6680 thee that thou shouldest not1115 eat?398Gen 3:12
And the man120 said,559 The woman802 whom834 thou gavest5414 to be with5973 me, she1931 gave5414 me of4480 the tree,6086 and I did eat.398Here we go passing the buck. It was all that Woman's fault God.
Gen 3:13
And the LORD3068 God430 said559 unto the woman,802 What4100 is this2063 that thou hast done?6213 And the woman802 said,559 The serpent5175 beguiled5377 me, and I did eat.398No God, it wasnt me, it was the snake. It was all his fault. Passing the buck.
Gen 3:14
And the LORD3068 God430 said559 unto413 the serpent,5175 Because3588 thou hast done6213 this,2063 thou859 art cursed779 above all4480, 3605 cattle,929 and above every4480, 3605 beast2416 of the field;7704 upon5921 thy belly1512 shalt thou go,1980 and dust6083 shalt thou eat398 all3605 the days3117 of thy life:2416This is where many get the idea that this creature is a snake, because he is to go upon his belly from then on. This is simply saying that the serpent is lower than any other creature of Gods creation. Once the wisest and most cunning, now reduced to the lowest of the low, never again to rise to the exaulted state he once enjoyed.
Gen 3:15
And I will put7896 enmity342 between996 thee and the woman,802 and between996 thy seed2233 and her seed;2233 it1931 shall bruise7779 thy head,7218 and thou859 shalt bruise7779 his heel.6119This is another subject that I have heard many teachings on, tonight I will arm you with the hebrew words used here, and we will see much more of this as we progress.
From H2232; seed; figuratively fruit, plant, sowing time, posterity: - X carnally, child, fruitful, seed (-time), sowing-time.
and the root:
A primitive root; to sow; figuratively to disseminate, plant, fructify: - bear, conceive seed, set with, sow (-er), yield.
Enmity between the decent of the woman and that of the serpent.
Gen 3:16
Unto413 the woman802 he said,559 I will greatly7235 multiply7235 thy sorrow6093 and thy conception;2032 in sorrow6089 thou shalt bring forth3205 children;1121 and thy desire8669 shall be to413 thy husband,376 and he1931 shall rule4910 over thee.True the man is to rule over the woman, as Christ rules over the church. In the same manner. With the same Love and Understanding.
Gen 3:17
And unto Adam121 he said,559 Because3588 thou hast hearkened8085 unto the voice6963 of thy wife,802 and hast eaten398 of4480 the tree,6086 of which834 I commanded6680 thee, saying,559 Thou shalt not3808 eat398 of4480 it: cursed779 is the ground127 for thy sake;5668 in sorrow6093 shalt thou eat398 of it all3605 the days3117 of thy life;2416Gen 3:18
Thorns6975 also and thistles1863 shall it bring forth6779 to thee; and thou shalt eat398 (853) the herb6212 of the field;7704Gen 3:19
In the sweat2188 of thy face639 shalt thou eat398 bread,3899 till5704 thou return7725 unto413 the ground;127 for3588 out of4480 it wast thou taken:3947 for3588 dust6083 thou859 art, and unto413 dust6083 shalt thou return.7725Gen 3:20
And Adam121 called7121 his wife's802 name8034 Eve;2332 because3588 she1931 was1961 the mother517 of all3605 living.2416And truly as the first womb in the line to Christ she was the mother of all living.
Gen 3:21
Unto Adam121 also and to his wife802 did the LORD3068 God430 make6213 coats3801 of skins,5785 and clothed3847 them.Gen 3:22
And the LORD3068 God430 said,559 Behold,2005 the man120 is become1961 as one259 of4480 us, to know3045 good2896 and evil:7451 and now,6258 lest6435 he put forth7971 his hand,3027 and take3947 also1571 of the tree4480, 6086 of life,2416 and eat,398 and live2425 forever:5769Gen 3:23
Therefore the LORD3068 God430 sent him forth7971 from the garden4480, 1588 of Eden,5731 to till5647 (853) the ground127 from whence4480, 8033, 834 he was taken.3947Gen 3:24
So he drove out1644 (853) the man;120 and he placed7931 at the east4480, 6924 of the garden1588 of Eden5731 (853) Cherubims,3742 and a flaming3858 sword2719 which turned every way,2015 to keep8104 (853) the way1870 of the tree6086 of life.2416The man and woman had become as Gods, knowing Good from evil. What was the one thing that God did not want to happen from this point?? He did not want them to partake of the tree of life and live forever. Hence the guard at the way to the tree of life. Dont miss the next chapter, this book of Gen. only gets better with time friends. May God bless you all.