

Welcome to our study group and God bless you. Today we are to begin Gen. chapter 4. So, asking the Father for Wisdome, Guidance and Knowledge, Gen.4:1.

Gen 4:1 And Adam121 knew3045 (853) Eve2332 his wife;802 and she conceived,2029 and bore3205 (853) Cain,7014 and said,559 I have gotten7069 a man376 from854 the LORD.3068

Yes, I know, we have all heard many teachings on this conception. What we will do here is simply to let the word of God speak for its self and not worrie about what any other men or orginization may teach, and that is enough said for now. We will look at all of these teachings and discern truth at a latter date when we are better armed with the word that we may make an intellegent decission on the matter.

Gen 4:2 And she again3254 bore3205 (853) his brother251 (853) Abel.1893 And Abel1893 was1961 a keeper7462 of sheep,6629 but Cain7014 was1961 a tiller5647 of the ground.127

Gen 4:3 And in process4480, 7093 of time3117 it came to pass,1961 that Cain7014 brought935 of the fruit4480, 6529 of the ground127 an offering4503 unto the LORD.3068

Gen 4:4 And Abel,1893 he1931 also1571 brought935 of the firstlings4480, 1062 of his flock6629 and of the fat4480, 2459 thereof. And the LORD3068 had respect8159 unto413 Abel1893 and to413 his offering:4503

Before we go any further, let us look at a couple of hebrew words. The first will be:





A primitive root; to add or augment (often adverbially to continue to do a thing): - add, X again, X any more, X cease, X come more, + conceive again, continue, exceed, X further, X gather together, get more, give moreover, X henceforth, increase (more and more), join, X longer (bring, do, make, much, put), X (the, much, yet) more (and more), proceed (further), prolong, put, be [strong-] er, X yet, yield.


this is to say "continue in labor". This coupled with the fact that they brought their offerings to God at the same time(thereby showing that they come to maturaty at the same time) shows us that the two boys here were Twins. Again; What does it matter?? I love to make you think.

Gen 4:5 But unto413 Cain7014 and to413 his offering4503 he had not respect.8159, 3808 And Cain7014 was very3966 wroth,2734 and his countenance6440 fell.5307

Gen 4:6 And the LORD3068 said559 unto413 Cain,7014 Why4100 art thou wroth?2734 and why4100 is thy countenance6440 fallen?5307

Gen 4:7 If518 thou doest well,3190 shalt thou not3808 be accepted?7613 and if518 thou doest not3808 well,3190 sin2403 lieth7257 at the door.6607 And unto413 thee shall be his desire,8669 and thou859 shalt rule4910 over him.


Now we see from this that God is not happy at all with the offering Cain has broght to him. Cain has not done well, else he would be accepted. Able brought of the firstlings of his flock, Cain simply brought an offering. We can see no love in this act, as if he was only giong through the motions because it is expected of him. Where sin lieth at the door, the word lieth is:





A primitive root; to crouch (on all four legs folded, like a recumbent animal); by implication to recline, repose, brood, lurk, imbed: - crouch (down), fall down, make a fold, lay (cause to, make to) lie (down), make to rest, sit.


Sin is waiting for cain, or any other that would come in the same attitude for that matter. Lurking, one could even say waiting to pounce.

Gen 4:8 And Cain7014 talked559 with413 Abel1893 his brother:251 and it came to pass,1961 when they were1961 in the field,7704 that Cain7014 rose up6965 against413 Abel1893 his brother,251 and slew2026 him.

Gen 4:9 And the LORD3068 said559 unto413 Cain,7014 Where335 is Abel1893 thy brother?251 And he said,559 I know3045 not:3808 Am I595 my brother's251 keeper?8104


Cain has murdered Able and asked the question "Am I my brothers keeper??" I will say, YES, we are our brothers keeper. Not so much as to where they spent their personal time, but our brothers and sisters in Christ, we must constantly pray for them and offer advice when we see anything that is amiss. We are our brothers keeper. To qualify that statement, I will show you the hebrew for this word keeper.





A primitive root; properly to hedge about (as with thorns), that is, guard; generally to protect, attend to, etc.: - beware, be circumspect, take heed (to self), keep (-er, self), mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, save (self), sure, (that lay) wait (for), watch (-man). It falls to us to pray a hedge around our brothers and sisters, pray Gods protection on them. Again, we are our brothers keeper.

Gen 4:10 And he said,559 What4100 hast thou done?6213 the voice6963 of thy brother's251 blood1818 crieth6817 unto413 me from4480 the ground.127

God already knew what Cain had done.

Gen 4:11 And now6258 art thou859 cursed779 from4480 the earth,127 which834 hath opened6475 (853) her mouth6310 to receive3947 thy brother's251 (853) blood1818 from thy hand;4480, 3027

Gen 4:12 When3588 thou tillest5647 (853) the ground,127 it shall not3808 henceforth3254 yield5414 unto thee her strength;3581 a fugitive5128 and a vagabond5110 shalt thou be1961 in the earth.776

Gen 4:13 And Cain7014 said559 unto413 the LORD,3068 My punishment5771 is greater1419 than I can bear.4480, 5375

Gen 4:14 Behold,2005 thou hast driven me out1644, (853) this day3117 from4480, 5921 the face6440 of the earth;127 and from thy face4480, 6440 shall I be hid;5641 and I shall be1961 a fugitive5128 and a vagabond5110 in the earth;776 and it shall come to pass,1961 that every one3605 that findeth4672 me shall slay2026 me.

Lets look for a minut at Cains punishment. We will first look at the fact that it was more than Cain can "bear". The word used for bear here is:


נסה נשׂא

na^s´a^' na^sa^h

naw-saw', naw-saw'

A primitive root; to lift, in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively, absolutely and relatively: - accept, advance, arise, (able to, [armour], suffer to) bear (-er, up), bring (forth), burn, carry (away), cast, contain, desire, ease, exact, exalt (self), extol, fetch, forgive, furnish, further, give, go on, help, high, hold up, honourable (+ man), lade, lay, lift (self) up, lofty, marry, magnify, X needs, obtain, pardon, raise (up), receive, regard, respect, set (up), spare, stir up, + swear, take (away, up), X utterly, wear, yield.

So, with this knowledge, was the punishment more than Cain could accept, or more than he could forgive??

Before we answer that, lets look at the word used for punishment.


עוון עון

‛a^vo^n ‛a^vo^n

aw-vone', aw-vone'

From H5753; perversity, that is, (moral) evil: - fault, iniquity, mischief, punishment (of iniquity), sin. Which brings the next question; Was the punishment imposed by the Lord more than Cain could forgive or accept, or was Cains own perversity more than he could forgive or accept of himself?? Just more food for thought. Next, the fact that God drove Cain out from the face of the earth. Did Cain go to Mars?? O course he did not. This was just the earth as cain knew it. Nothing magic about that. But who was cain concerned with that would slay him?? Those of you who has been with us through the first 3 chapters will know that one very quickly. if you were not here you can review the study notes on thoes chapters. Man kind as a species was created in Gen.1:26.

Gen 4:16 And Cain7014 went out3318 from the presence4480, 6440 of the LORD,3068 and dwelt3427 in the land776 of Nod,5113 on the east6926 of Eden.5731 Where did Cain go and what did he do?? Lets look at the hebrew on the subject. Cain "dwelt" in the land of "Nod". The Hebrew word used for "dwelt" here is:





A primitive root; properly to sit down (specifically as judge, in ambush, in quiet); by implication to dwell, to remain; causatively to settle, to marry: - (make to) abide (-ing), continue, (cause to, make to) dwell (-ing), ease self, endure, establish, X fail, habitation, haunt, (make to) inhabit (-ant), make to keep [house], lurking, X marry (-ing), (bring again to) place, remain, return, seat, set (-tle), (down-) sit (-down, still, -ting down, -ting [place] -uate), take, tarry.

Cain could have been doing many things in this lany, from being a Judge, to simply dwelling there on to marage.

Now the word for "nod"





The same as H5112; vagrancy; Nod, the land of Cain: - Nod.

And the root on this one:


נד נודּ

no^d no^d

node, node

From H5110; exile: - wandering.

Meaning?? Cain had simply wandered untill he found more people who were not hostile toward him and "dwelt" with them and started his famally. And now we begin the Generations of Cain.

Gen 4:17 And Cain7014 knew3045 (853) his wife;802 and she conceived,2029 and bore3205 (853) Enoch:2585 and he built1961, 1129 a city,5892 and called7121 the name8034 of the city,5892 after the name8034 of his son,1121 Enoch.2585

Gen 4:18 And unto Enoch2585 was born3205 (853) Irad:5897 and Irad5897 begot3205 (853) Mehujael:4232 and Mehujael4232 begot3205 (853) Methusael:4967 and Methusael4967 begot3205 (853) Lamech.3929

Now lets look at some names. Enoch we will find is also the name of a Great prophet in the geneologies of Seth. Irad:





From the same as H6166; fugitive; Irad, an antediluvian: - Irad.



מחיּיאל מחוּיאלo

mechu^ya^'e^l mechi^yya^'e^l

mekh-oo-yaw-ale', mekh-ee-yaw-ale'

From H4229 and H410; smitten of God; Mechujael or Mechijael, an antediluvian patriarch: - Mehujael.

Next is "Methulael"





From H4962 and H410, with the relative interposed; man who (is) of God; Methushael, an antediluvian patriarch: - Methusael.


One dont sound so good, and the other sounds ok. Just remember, you will see many names in this line that will match or resembel those of Seths line.

Gen 4:19 And Lamech3929 took3947 unto him two8147 wives:802 the name8034 of the one259 was Adah,5711 and the name8034 of the other8145 Zillah.6741

Gen 4:20 And Adah5711 bore3205 (853) Jabal:2989 he1931 was1961 the father1 of such as dwell3427 in tents,168 and of such as have cattle.4735

Gen 4:21 And his brother's251 name8034 was Jubal:3106 he1931 was1961 the father1 of all3605 such as handle8610 the harp3658 and organ.5748

Gen 4:22 And Zillah,6741 she1931 also1571 bore3205 (853) Tubal-cain,8423 an instructor3913 of every3605 artificer2794 in brass5178 and iron:1270 and the sister269 of Tubal-cain8423 was Naamah.5279

Gen 4:23 And Lamech3929 said559 unto his wives,802 Adah5711 and Zillah,6741 Hear8085 my voice;6963 ye wives802 of Lamech,3929 hearken238 unto my speech:565 for3588 I have slain2026 a man376 to my wounding,6482 and a young man3206 to my hurt.2250

So. We have the beginning of this line is a murderer, we have a Fugitive, one who is "smitten by God" and finally another murderer who thinks vengeance will be taken of him 10 fold more than of Cain. This is some kind of family here.

Gen 4:24 If3588 Cain7014 shall be avenged5358 sevenfold,7659 truly Lamech3929 seventy7657 and sevenfold.7651

And now for Adams genealogies.

Gen 4:25 And Adam121 knew3045 (853) his wife802 again;5750 and she bore3205 a son,1121 and called7121 his (853) name8034 Seth:8352 For3588 God,430 said she, hath appointed7896 me another312 seed2233 instead of8478 Abel,1893 whom Cain7014 slew.2026

Gen 4:26 And to Seth,8352 to him1931 also1571 there was born3205 a son;1121 and he called7121 (853) his name8034 Enos:583 then227 began2490 men to call7121 upon the name8034 of the LORD.3068

Ok, with chapter 4 coming to an end, and men beginning to call upon the name of the Lord, we will close tonight as well. Continue to study in the word and may God bless you all.

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