
Welcome back, tonight we will start Gen.5 and the generations of Adam. So, asking for wisdom, guidance and knowledge from the father in the name of Jesus Christ, Lets begin.

Gen 5:1 This2088 is the book5612 of the generations8435 of Adam.121 In the day3117 that God430 created1254 man,120 in the likeness1823 of God430 made6213 he him;

Gen 5:2 Male2145 and female5347 created1254 he them; and blessed1288 them, and called7121 (853) their name8034 Adam,121 in the day3117 when they were created.1254

Gen 5:3 And Adam121 lived2421 a hundred3967 and thirty7970 years,8141 and begot3205 a son in his own likeness,1823 after his image;6754 and called7121 (853) his name8034 Seth:8352

These words likeness and image are the same as those in Gen.1. Nothing magic, the son of Adam looks like his father. Just as your son will look somewhat like you.

Gen 5:4 And the days3117 of Adam121 after310 he had begotten3205 (853) Seth8352 were1961 eight8083 hundred3967 years:8141 and he begot3205 sons1121 and daughters:1323

Gen 5:5 And all3605 the days3117 that834 Adam121 lived2425 were1961 nine8672 hundred3967 and thirty7970 years:8141 and he died.4191

Gen 5:6 And Seth8352 lived2421 a hundred3967 and five2568 years,8141 and begot3205 (853) Enos:583

Gen 5:7 And Seth8352 lived2421 after310 he begot3205 (853) Enos583 eight8083 hundred3967 and seven7651 years,8141 and begot3205 sons1121 and daughters:1323

Gen 5:8 And all3605 the days3117 of Seth8352 were1961 nine8672 hundred3967 and twelve8147, 6240 years:8141 and he died.4191

Gen 5:9 And Enos583 lived2421 ninety8673 years,8141 and begot3205 (853) Cainan:7018

Gen 5:10 And Enos583 lived2421 after310 he begot3205 (853) Cainan7018 eight8083 hundred3967 and fifteen2568, 6240 years,8141 and begot3205 sons1121 and daughters:1323

Gen 5:11 And all3605 the days3117 of Enos583 were1961 nine8672 hundred3967 and five2568 years:8141 and he died.4191

Gen 5:12 And Cainan7018 lived2421 seventy7657 years,8141 and begot3205 (853) Mahalaleel:4111

Gen 5:13 And Cainan7018 lived2421 after310 he begot3205 (853) Mahalaleel4111 eight8083 hundred3967 and forty705 years,8141 and begot3205 sons1121 and daughters:1323

Gen 5:14 And all3605 the days3117 of Cainan7018 were1961 nine8672 hundred3967 and ten6235 years:8141 and he died.4191

Gen 5:15 And Mahalaleel4111 lived2421 sixty8346 and five2568 years,8141 and begot3205 (853) Jared:3382

Gen 5:16 And Mahalaleel4111 lived2421 after310 he begot3205 (853) Jared3382 eight8083 hundred3967 and thirty7970 years,8141 and begot3205 sons1121 and daughters:1323

Gen 5:17 And all3605 the days3117 of Mahalaleel4111 were1961 eight8083 hundred3967 ninety8673 and five2568 years:8141 and he died.4191

Gen 5:18 And Jared3382 lived2421 a hundred3967 sixty8346 and two8147 years,8141 and he begot3205 (853) Enoch:2585

Gen 5:19 And Jared3382 lived2421 after310 he begot3205 (853) Enoch2585 eight8083 hundred3967 years,8141 and begot3205 sons1121 and daughters:1323

Now here we have the name of the first son of Cain being repeated here in the geneologies of seth. We must watch carefully the names and associations as we follow the lienage of Christ from Eve so as not to confuse the geneologies with that of Cain who has no part in the geneologies of Christ.

Gen 5:19 And Jared3382 lived2421 after310 he begot3205 (853) Enoch2585 eight8083 hundred3967 years,8141 and begot3205 sons1121 and daughters:1323

Gen 5:20 And all3605 the days3117 of Jared3382 were1961 nine8672 hundred3967 sixty8346 and two8147 years:8141 and he died.4191

Gen 5:21 And Enoch2585 lived2421 sixty8346 and five2568 years,8141 and begot3205 (853) Methuselah:4968

Here we have a very simular name to that of one in the line of Cain "Methusael". But they are very different. Methulael from the hebrew is:





From H4962 and H410, with the relative interposed; man who (is) of God; Methushael, an antediluvian patriarch: - Methusael. Now let us look at the words from which this was compiled.





From the same as H4970; properly an adult (as of full length); by implication a man (only in the plural): - + few, X friends, men, persons, X small.


And the next:





Shortened from H352; strength; as adjective mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity): - God (god), X goodly, X great, idol, might (-y one), power, strong. Compare names in “-el.”


So we see, that the God they speak of in this particular man who is of God may or may not be THE God. Maby we can return to that at another time. Now the Hebrew word for Methuselah:





From H4962 and H7973; man of a dart; Methushelach, an antediluvian patriarch: - Methuselah.

This is from the same 4962 as the other, but look:





From H7971; a missile of attack, that is, spear; also (figuratively) a shoot of growth, that is, branch: - dart, plant, X put off, sword, weapon.

What we have here is a Very agressive man of God who gets right to the point.

Gen 5:22 And Enoch2585 walked1980 with854 God430 after310 he begot3205 (853) Methuselah4968 three7969 hundred3967 years,8141 and begot3205 sons1121 and daughters:1323

Gen 5:23 And all3605 the days3117 of Enoch2585 were1961 three7969 hundred3967 sixty8346 and five2568 years:8141

Gen 5:24 And Enoch2585 walked1980 with854 God:430 and he was not;369 for3588 God430 took3947 him.

What about that?? One year for each day of the year. Now that is interesting. Also we have the first man that God has deemed worthy to escape the evils of the world. And I might add, things must be getting very very bad when God takes the prophet away.

Gen 5:25 And Methuselah4968 lived2421 a hundred3967 eighty8084 and seven7651 years,8141 and begot3205 (853) Lamech:3929


Now, lets look back for a minut to :

Gen 4:18 And unto Enoch2585 was born3205 (853) Irad:5897 and Irad5897 begot3205 (853) Mehujael:4232 and Mehujael4232 begot3205 (853) Methusael:4967 and Methusael4967 begot3205 (853) Lamech.3929

we now have a second Lemech, by a father even of vary simular name. You can now see how easy it is for one to confuse the blood lines and be miss informed.

Gen 5:26 And Methuselah4968 lived2421 after310 he begot3205 (853) Lamech3929 seven7651 hundred3967 eighty8084 and two8147 years,8141 and begot3205 sons1121 and daughters:1323

Gen 5:27 And all3605 the days3117 of Methuselah4968 were1961 nine8672 hundred3967 sixty8346 and nine8672 years:8141 and he died.4191

Here we have the oldest living man on record. Was he the oldest of all?? I would say probably so, though we have no solid record of this, we have no record otherwise.

Gen 5:28 And Lamech3929 lived2421 a hundred3967 eighty8084 and two8147 years,8141 and begot3205 a son:1121

Gen 5:29 And he called7121 (853) his name8034 Noah,5146 saying,559 This2088 same shall comfort5162 us concerning our work4480, 4639 and toil(4480), 6093 of our hands,3027 because of4480 the ground127 which834 the LORD3068 hath cursed.779

Gen 5:30 And Lamech3929 lived2421 after310 he begot3205 (853) Noah5146 five2568 hundred3967 ninety8673 and five2568 years,8141 and begot3205 sons1121 and daughters:1323

Gen 5:31 And all3605 the days3117 of Lamech3929 were1961 seven7651 hundred3967 seventy7657 and seven7651 years:8141 and he died.4191

Look at the age on Lamech at death. 777 years. We have in the new testement 7 trumps, 7 seals and 7 angels to sound the 7 trumps. This number 7 is very significant in a spiritual sense.

Gen 5:32 And Noah5146 was1961 five2568 hundred3967 years8141 old:1121 and Noah5146 begot3205 (853) Shem,8035 (853) Ham,2526 and Japheth.3315

Why did Noah wait so long before he begat his sons?? We will get into that in the next chapter. God bless you all and remember; Study to shew thyself approved.

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